Watercolor paintings by Demo Artist.

This is a demo site called "art demo." Trying an all CSS layout is tricky here. Worse than differences in image sizes, is great variations in their "aspect ratios." The best solution would be to resize images.

Andrew Wyeth

For this layout, we are trying (unsuccessfully so far) to have JavaScript randomly load images in 3 separate positions. Our script only works for one set of random images.

This sample demo page is indexRandom3.html; see indexRandom.html for one random image (which works only if there is nothing else in same section) and index.html for regular version. See also indexCol.html (which has columns), indexRow.html (which has columns and rows), index.htm (which features a Javascript slideshow), indexTable.html (experimenting with image sizing and positioning), and indexCSS.html (another CSS layout).

Credits:   Web design and animation by Denise deGoumois http://www.auntnini.com.

See also JacquiMorgan.Tripod.com demo site.

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