Web site design and animation by AuntNiNi.
This is a demo site called "art demo."
We design and develop custom Web-standards-compliant sites that are tailored to the specific needs and interests of a given client. No assembly-line templates ground out here to fit one mold.
Web-standards-compliant means we feature state-of-the-art CSS/XHTML formats (with JavaScript functionality and GIF animation). Of course, we can develop a FLASH format (with ActionScript); we love timeline animation programs such as Flash, Director, AfterEffects. But, remember, Flash is a vector program (paintings and photos are bitmap images) that requires viewer to download latest player to see the content and is not flexible. One of our primary aims in developing a site such as this is to make the process of updating the images and text content easily accessible to that artist.
We would love to discuss the process and prices with you personally:
Credits: Web design and animation by Denise deGoumois http://www.auntnini.com.
Your computer shows TODAY is: . ENJOY!
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